December 3 I love you but….

Romans 12:9-10 ESV
Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.

I love you but vs. I love you and…. How many people love you warts and all? Many people love you when you do what they like or when you help them with things. But when you need something, they are nowhere to be found. They love you if you do what they want. Their love is conditional. If you do this, I will love you. It seems controlling. What is their motive? What motivates you?

In Romans, Paul is teaching us about pure and unselfish love. He asks us to be authentic. He tells us to love in a way that is good for the other person. Your motive should be to do things that are for their good and not your own self interest. How are you doing with that?

I have an acronym called RAM {Relationships Attitude Motive} by which I am trying to live with His help. I have come to realize that relationships are above all other things. The attitude with which we approach something will determine the outcome. And our motive shows what is in our heart. Motive, then, shows who we really are. What motivates you? Do you use your love to manipulate others into doing what you want or are you looking out for them? If you are a spouse or parent, you know about doing things for the best interest of others. Shouldn’t all of your life be lived for the good of others? Isn’t that what God calls us to do? When a friend calls you at a low time in your life just to let you know they are there for you, how does that make you feel? Isn’t that how you want to live also?

Jesus tells us to love our neighbor as ourselves. Are we doing that? Are you loving others back to health and wholeness? Is your motive right? Even strangers can use a kind word. Many people gossip about others which hurts their reputation. Try to avoid such talk. Stand up for others who may not be able to stand for themselves at this moment. Strengthen them so they can stand for themselves. Then they can pass it on to others later. You may not know what they are facing. There could be tragedy in their lives. They may feel unloved and of little value. All they need is a kind word and a smile from you to be able to go on! Will you give them love? It has been given to you. John 3:16 (NKJV) says16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. He loved you so much that He gave Himself up for you. Why not pass a portion of that love on to someone who needs it today?

1 John 4:19 (NKJV) says19 We love Him because He first loved us. Lord, teach us to love as You love. Help us to put others first. Give us a heart which loves others purely and unconditionally. Help us to love our enemies and the unlovable. In fact, help us to love the stranger. In so doing, help us to bring glory to Your holy name in which we pray. Amen!

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