He is with you!

Jeremiah 15:20 ESV
And I will make you to this people [Judah] a fortified wall of bronze; they will fight against you, but they shall not prevail over you, for I am with you to save you and deliver you, declares the Lord.

God is speaking to Jeremiah about himself. Jeremiah has just asked God why his own life is so difficult. Sound familiar? In prayer, Jeremiah has complained to God that he feels forsaken. And God answers him by telling Jeremiah that God will strengthen him, save and deliver him. Even though the situation looks bleak, God is still working for the good of those who love Him. He did not rebuke Jeremiah for his doubt but reassured him of success in his ministry.

Many people wonder where God is in the difficult times of their lives. How could He let this happen? Why did God take away my loved one? Why did this person commit this horrible act? There are many other questions. My question to you is how do you know it was God who did this? There is evil in the world. There is greed. There is jealousy. God gave mankind free will to choose which path they would walk. Many choose evil. Jeremiah 17:9 says “the heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure.” It leads us to choose bad things. But when we allow Jesus into our hearts, His light and glory push out the deceit. Through Him, we can become the person we were designed to be. You were designed for accomplishment, engineered for success and endowed with the seeds of greatness! God tells us, in this verse from Jeremiah that He will be with us to save and deliver us. He will keep us from the evil that lurks all around. His light can dispel the darkness.

How are you doing in the battle of good vs. evil? Do you prevail in good? Are you trying to win in your own power? Many try that and fail. They key is to accept the Promises of God. This one is that He will always be with you and you will prevail. He promises to deliver you out of the hand of evil. You mean that much to Him that He will fight for you! You really can’t do it on your own. But you and God become a majority. When you remain in Him, He will deliver you! Walk with Him today. Ask for His protection. Moreover, ask for His direction and guidance into His ways. Ask Him into your heart to drive out the darkness and replace it with His glorious light. And then, let that light shine out to others to brighten their lives. One tiny candle in a dark room pushes back the darkness. Be that light today. In Jesus name I pray for you! Amen!

Mandisa – He is with you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3CVlv2dz3w

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