No more shame!

Joshua 5 (NKJV)
Then the
Lord said to Joshua, “This day I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you.” Therefore the name of the place is called Gilgal to this day.

What is reproach? Dr. David Cannistraci ( defines it this way. A reproach is a supernatural condition of shame or disgrace that settles into a person’s spirit, coloring every aspect of their life. Reproaches are demonic devices that leave us feeling disgraced and unworthy. Like a heavy cloud, reproaches block out the light and warmth of the Father’s love, leaving us in the chill of hopelessness.

For 430 years, the Egyptians had told the Israelites that they were of no value. Have you had someone criticize you? The Israelites were on the plains of Jericho after crossing the Jordan River. They were getting ready to conquer the Promised Land beginning with Jericho. But they were not mentally ready. They still carried feelings of unworthiness. They still carried the guilt of their former sin and the weight of their oppression. God commanded Joshua to circumcise all the men of Israel as a sign of His covenant with them since their fathers had perished in the desert. God was saying that He was still willing to keep His promise to Israel. He is faithful!

Do you struggle with worthiness? Do you question yourself? Do you wonder how God can still care for you after all the bad things you have done? In your own power, you are not worthy because you are not perfect. But that is the mystery of the Gospel. You are worthy because God says you are worthy. Jesus righteousness is imputed to you by His will; not yours. You are fearfully and wonderfully made in His image. He wants to remove your sins from you and take them far far away. He will blot out your transgressions. Today, He wants to roll away the reproach that you have carried so long. 1 John 1:9 (NKJV) says “ If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” He is willing to cover our sins with His love as if it never existed. What is it of which you are ashamed? What bad choices have you made that led you away from God? He calls out to you to return. He wants to be in relationship with you. He loves you! You are His masterpiece made in His image and likeness. Shame makes you run and hide. God wants you in His presence. It is the blood of the Lamb that makes you worthy! Wear the garment of righteousness provided for you by Jesus and come back into the presence of God. He misses you. He has been asking for you! He asked us to save you a seat. Here is one right next to me. Come worship the Lord our God with us. Sunday in coming!

Father, we are all sinners, for breaking one of Your laws is like breaking them all. Don’t let our reproach block out the warmth of Your love from us. Remind us that You love us with an everlasting love and want us with you. Remind us that we are Yours and that You are always willing to forgive if we would just ask. Today, reveal to us that You have rolled away the reproach of our past and created in us clean hearts and new Spirits so we may return to You. Help us to accept Your invitation back into Your presence for which Jesus prepared the way. Help us to accept Your gift of Grace. In Jesus name we pray! Amen!

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