December 1 What Do You Perceive?

Luke 10:23-24 (NKJV)
23 Then He turned to His disciples and said privately, “Blessed are the eyes which see the things you see; 24 for I tell you that many prophets and kings have desired to see what you see, and have not seen it, and to hear what you hear, and have not heard it.

I see and hear things that amaze me. These are the things of God. I perceive in my Spirit things I cannot understand with my mind. I hear that which I write down and read the completed Encouragement Daily devotionals as if for the first time. The Holy Spirit speaks to me and through me and shows me things the He wants me to see. It is outside of me but I have learned to listen with my heart more than my senses.

Luke tells us that Jesus told His disciples that they could see with His eyes things that others would like to be able to see. Solomon asked for wisdom. Simon, the sorcerer (Acts 8:9-25) wanted to purchase this gift. When Jesus is in your heart, you see things differently. You see with your heart and His eyes and hear with His ears. Since I have been able to quiet my soul more, I am able to hear God’s still small voice. I believe it started on my first trip to Honduras. There was a lot of noise in my life and mind. Part of the reason I wanted to go to Honduras was a change of scene to give me time away. I needed to draw closer to God. On that trip, He told me to “trust Him”. I heard His voice. From that time on, I have been listening more closely. I am sure He was always speaking but now I am hearing and listening.

Do you hear God’s still small voice? Do you see the things He wants you to see? Is your life guided by His Spirit? Jesus tells us that we would be blessed by following God’s desire for our lives. This is more of perception than hearing and seeing. Will you quiet your soul and perceive what the Lord is revealing to you? God speaks to all His creation. He is speaking to you! Listen with your heart and be willing to do what He calls you to do. You and the world will be blessed as a result.

Help us to hear You Lord! Take away the distractions and quiet our souls so we can hear You speak and see what You would reveal. Write Your word on our hearts. Give us all that we need, including courage, to shine Your light into our dark world. In Your name we pray! Amen!

Brandon Heath – Give Me Your Eyes – :

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