December 29 Do you see what I see?

Daniel 7:15-17 (NKJV)
15 “I, Daniel, was grieved in my spirit within my body, and the visions of my head troubled me. 16 I came near to one of those who stood by, and asked him the truth of all this. So he told me and made known to me the interpretation of these things:

Daniel had visions from the Lord. He was known for the gift of interpreting dreams through the visions the Lord gave him. The visions were troubling to Daniel at times. When you have visions given you, others will not always accept them openly. In fact, many will be scoffers. When you have these ideas, others may think you are crazy. It’s OK! Know from whom they come and see their value.

Daniel was exiled to Babylon and was an official in the Court of King Nebuchadnezzer. The Lord gave Daniel visions of the future and the ability to interpret dreams. Daniel never took credit for this gift but told how the Lord had done these things through him.

Let’s talk about my mind for a few minutes. I, too, have these visions from the Lord. I only came to realize the source of these visions in the last few years. Before that, I thought I was brilliant. Now I know the truth. I am being led to places where He wants me to go. I just know things that I cannot explain. Sometimes, these ideas are ahead of their time so they are not readily accepted. I have discovered that you must give glory to God for these visions and hang in there. Being persistent in the pursuit of a dream is paramount. Do not give up on the dream the Lord gives you ever!

One such example was my Mobile Computer Classroom. In 2000, I purchased a thirty-four foot motorhome outfitted as a computer classroom from a school that was not using it fully. I remodeled it with laptops and put together curriculum to train Real Estate Agents in the basics of computers to aid them in their business which was relying on technology to accomplish sales goals. It was a great idea whose time had almost come. I had challenges filling up the schedule. People knew it was what they needed but they did not feel the urgency quite yet. And as has been the case before, I gave up too soon. I did not do enough marketing. I get discouraged when people don’t see what I see. I now know that the visions I have are a special gift from God that are ahead of their time. I must be persistent.

Although God’s timing is perfect, mankind is not always ready for what the Lord brings to us. Jesus came with a message of grace but people could and would not accept and understand it at that time. Fortunately, the Apostles were persistent and kept the message alive. Also, God caused things to happen that took them out of their comfort zones and moved them places where He wanted them to go. They had seen inexplicable things that they could not keep to themselves. Persecution drove them to the ends of the earth. Because they could not contain these miracles, they told others along the way. Twelve men spread the Good News to the ends of the earth and we still hear it through them today. What is the Lord calling you to do? What vision or message do you hear over and over again in your head that won’t go away? What will you do with it? Many ignore it and hope it will go away. Will you? Or will you share the gift of revelation with those you meet?

If you listen carefully, the Lord will open doors in conversation allowing you to plant these seeds within those you meet. I shared hope with my dentist yesterday while he worked on my teeth. You know how a dentist will talk to you while they have their hands in your mouth not really expecting an answer. Well he was in for a surprise. As soon as I could, I began to share the message of hope and grace. I gave him something to think about just like the Lord does for me daily. God’s love is like radiant diamonds bursting inside us, we cannot contain. Stop trying to contain His love. It was meant to be shared with those you meet. Give love away! The world will be a better place because of it.

Lord, You came to share the good news of grace. Thank You for these scary visions in my head. Thank You for reminding me of who You are and how much You love us! Give us the strength and courage to share that which You give us. In Your name we pray! Amen!

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