Matthew 16:18
18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.
So Peter just experienced epic failure. He had denied Christ three times. Peter was very sad over his failure but that did not stop his destiny. God’s plan would not be thwarted by the mistakes of one man. No, God can bring something good out of something bad. He told Peter that He would build His Church on Peter as the foundation. No matter how bad it looks, God can make a way. He will work things to your benefit. What challenges do you face? Is it the loss of a job? Is it the loss or betrayal of someone close? Is it the loss of health? Jesus understands.
In 2000, I was fired from my job as National Account Manager for a software company. I won the Vice President’s award for Outstanding Service in January and was fired in July. From champ to chump in six months. I had a new boss who saw things differently and we did not get along. The loss of this job hurt! In fact, I went into a time of depression that would last several years. I could not see any good that might come out of this.
God has a funny way of working things out for our good. When I left the company, they agreed to give me back my reseller status to sell the software on my own. Our largest client agreed to buy through me resulting in large commissions. I also learned that I was not designed to work in the corporate environment. But this might be the best part of it all. I learned what it means to face depression and the darkness and hopelessness that follow. I also learned that my Lord walks with me through the darkness and leads me back to His glorious light! I learned empathy. When someone else speaks about a hopeless situation, I can say with certainty that it is not hopeless. Been there! Done that! Got the tee shirt! And, by the Grace of God, I’m still standing. Jesus is my anti-depressant!
So what do you face today? You are not alone. Others have walked that path. Firstly, your Lord walks with you even if you don’t see Him. He will never leave nor forsake you. Secondly, God “works all things for the good” of all people. It does not appear that way at the time. The evil one is in the world looking for whom he can devour. That is why so many bad things happen. God can be your Shield if you trust in Him. Psalm 46:1 (NKJV) says God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. Do you seek Him or do you try it on your own?
I was at coffee hour one morning after Church speaking with someone I did not know well. He spoke about the weather at first but I had a sense there was something deeper he wanted to discuss. I asked how he was since he seemed sad. At that point, he told me he suffered from depression and was struggling at the current time. I knew how he felt and told him I had been through that valley but managed to get through with God’s help. You see, even though you are in the valley, God has prepared a table of blessing for you, in the presence of your enemies (Psalm 23), on the other side. And He will guide you through that valley. Do not give up. Keep walking! Epic failure (in your mind) can turn out to be the springboard to launch a new success. Weeping may last for the night but joy comes in the morning. Weep if you must. It cleanses you. But remember, joy comes in the morning. Look to the Lord, the source of all blessing, and He will work all things out according to His gracious plan. He loves you!
Lord, thank You that You always work out things for our good. Even when we mess up, You can turn it around! Thank You for always walking with us and helping us through the struggles. It is comforting to know You are there and will answer us when we call. In Your name we pray!