Esther 4:14
14 For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
These are difficult times. The world is giving in to chaos. Terror groups flex their muscles, attack and murder innocent people. It has all the earmarks of the end times. However, man’s inhumanity to man has gone on since Cain and Able. Jealousy caused the demise of Able. As we approach Easter, it is supposed to be a time of hope. Reading the newspaper could lower anyone’s level of hope. The headlines can bring us down. What should we do about what is happening?
Esther became the Queen of Persia by an interesting turn of events with King Xerxes. She went from orphan to Queen. She was a Jewish woman and the King’s top Advisor, Haman, had tricked the King into issuing an edict to kill all the Jews in Persia. She now had to choose to remain silent and survive or take a stand and try to stop the injustice. What would you do?
We are always called to make choices. Jesus came into the world to offer us a better way. We have to decide which course to take. Do we follow Him and do the things He teaches or do we take the easier way and go along with the ways of the world? At what point do you take a stand? Do you wait until chaos reigns before speaking up? Isn’t that too late? Now is the time to decide.
Do you have a position of authority or influence in your work or neighborhood? Do you think God has led you to this place for some reason? I don’t believe in coincidences. Things happen for a reason. Perhaps you are in the place you are so that you can effect change. We are called to increase the Kingdom of God. In His Kingdom, people help each other. We are called to love our neighbor as ourselves. You can make a difference! You have been given everything you need to change your corner of the world. You are equipped! You are empowered! You are anointed! You are incredible! You are well able! What will you do today with the gifts God has given you?
Lord, remind us of the gifts You have given us and of the Giver. We are called for times such as these. Help us to bring glory to You by using what You have given to the benefit of others. Teach us to walk in Your ways and love Your people. In Your name we pray!