Genesis 2:22-24 (NKJV)
22 Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. 23 And Adam said: “This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh;
She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.” 24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
I apologize! This one is very long but please read it. It is important.
What does it mean to become one flesh? Do the two people actually blend together? Are they not still separate people? The passage is very clear. A man shall leave his father and his mother and be joined to his wife. This becomes the primary relationship. Both people leave their parents to start a new family unit. This family unit is supposed to procreate and raise children who will also love and serve God. But to continue to serve God in this relationship, we must remain in the relationship. That will take commitment! Are you willing to hang in there?
The Bible tells us that man and woman are made of the same substance. It does not say so but, since we are both made in the image and likeness of God, we are also the same Spiritually. So why do we think so differently? It is good that we think differently because these differences develop new ideas and help us prove concepts. The world would be boring if we all thought alike.
I have some friends who are getting married today. I am attending the wedding and I got them a gift. However, I wondered what I could give them that will last. I wanted to give them something that was not of this world. I asked God to lead me to find something. He suggested spiritual guidance.
Many people put more planning into the wedding than the do the marriage. How will you survive together? How will you resolve differences of opinion? Are you going to call it quits as soon as things get tough because they will get tough. Will you invite God into the marriage? Is He the foundation on which your marriage is built? When you both look to Jesus for direction, He will heal any disagreements.
In our forty years of marriage (Yes, just the sight of her still brings a smile to my face.), Jean and I have had six foster children and adopted one. These children have taught me things. How does that apply here? One of the first things a foster child will do is something to get you angry to see if you will stick with them. They don’t want to waste their time building a relationship if you are going to kick them to the curb as soon as they mess up. It is the same in a marriage. Does your spouse know you are willing to fight for them even more than you will fight with them? Are you committed to the relationship? Will you love them even when you don’t like them? Can they trust you? Trust takes a long time to build and can be destroyed with one careless word. When you get angry, do not say bad things (Ephesians 4:26). But also, do not walk away as if they don’t matter. Tell them you need a time out but we will get back together to work things out! Make sure they know they mean more to you than the difference you just had!
I have a critical nature which I am trying to overcome (I am asking God to remove my critical nature.). I am a master at finding fault. Are you a fault finder too? May I suggest you try being a good finder? Intentionally look for things you can praise in your spouse. If there is something that “bugs” you, discuss it at a calm time and put it into a praise sandwich. Praise them; tell them about how the item that “bugs” you makes you feel and praise them again. Think before you speak. How will my words make them feel? Is that the outcome I am looking for? How can I get the desired outcome? Just a little effort and thought here can produce huge dividends. Try praising each other today!
Lord, thank You for this wonderful person you have put in our lives; Your gift to us! Help us to cherish them as the gift they are. Help us to love them always and be kind. Teach us to be a good finders. As for me, remove my critical nature and give me a spirit of praise for them and You! In Jesus name I pray! Amen!