December 23 He has plans for you!

Isaiah 46:10
Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things which have not been done, Saying, ‘My purpose will be established, And I will accomplish all My good pleasure’;

In his book, Anointed for Business, Ed Silvoso wrote “God’s purpose for you is immutable, and you have the full power of heaven at your disposal to fulfill it.” He cites John 14:14 (ask anything in My name….) and Phil 4:13 (I can do all things….) as proof. Sometimes, I wonder what God’s plan is for my life. Don’t you? I feel a call to do more in the work of the Lord but I am not sure that is what He wants. Does He want me to be a tentmaker like Paul and support my own ministry? Does He want me to give up business and work for Him full time? From moment to moment, I waver back and forth.

Isaiah tells us that God’s purpose will be established and He will accomplish all that He plans. God had a plan for each of us from the beginning and from ancient time. Also, God will do new things that “have not been done”! He will bring about His plan. Nothing can thwart His purpose!

Are you going along with God’s plan? Do you know what His plan is? Gaining clarity of the plan seems to be difficult. I have spent time in prayer but not enough. While He speaks to me audibly at times, things are not so clear at others. Have you ever been confused? I know I am. It is hard to have one foot in each world but, with God’s help, it is possible.

Well Ed Silvoso tells us that we can be in both worlds at the same time; both business and ministry. In fact, he suggests that the best vehicle to take us to people who need the good news is the marketplace. There are those who say “Leave the ministry to the professionals.” From what I have seen, there are not enough professionals to comfort all those who are hurting. Each day, I come in contact with hurting people that need encouragement. Many will not meet a professional minister because they have been hurt by and now avoid the Church. Even the professionals don’t always get it right. It is no coincidence that Jesus said to “Love others as I have loved you.” He did not teach that lesson to the Pharisees. He taught it to fisherman and many on the edge of society. After all, He came that we might have life and have it abundantly. He did not come to condemn us but to save us. Can you wrap your head around that? He loves you so much He wants to be with you and wants you with Him. Wow! The Creator of the universe wants to be with you!

So what is His plan for us? It is hard to say. Each person has a different plan which God knew before the foundations of the world. But I can tell you this. It is a plan to prosper you and not to harm you. It is a plan to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11) So be encouraged. His plan for you is awesome. Discovering that plan is part of your purpose. I wished I could say that it was easy but it’s not. However, nothing really worthwhile has ever been easy. But it certainly is worth the search. I am still looking for answers. I am on the journey. Will you join me? We can enjoy each other’s company on the way.

Lord, thank You for Your awesome plans for us. You said that we could ask anything in Your name and You will do it. You said we can do all things through You. You said You would renew our strength. You tell us over and over how much You care for us. Help us to hear Your blessings and accept them into our hearts. Silence the evil and let us hear Your voice clearly. Reveal Your plans for us to us. In Your name we pray! Amen!

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