What Do You See?

Proverbs 29:18King James Version (KJV)
18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

Today, many people lack vision. They cannot see beyond what is right in front of them. Creativity is diminished. Problem solving has gone by the wayside. Taking the easy way out has become the norm. They only do what is required. At one time, our country was known for innovation. There are still a few bastions of hope in innovation mostly in the tech arena. But what about day to day living? Where are the people of vision who look at every situation and find a way to make it better? They are not as prevalent as they once were but they are still there. Have we stopped teaching critical thinking?

Every now and then, you come across someone with vision. And even more rare, you find a person with Spiritual Vision. That person sees things that God has revealed. I have met such a person in my friend Scott. He sees things others have not recognized, visions from God. Sometimes, he is too far ahead of the curve seeing things that others are not yet prepared to receive. Unfortunately, that happens. We must be patient and wait for the rest of the world to be ready. But the best part of this type of vision is that it is given for the good of others. Scott is always looking out for others. He is a connector. He is a person that tries to put people together for their benefit. This vision is a kind of love.  It “is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own” as it says in 1 Corinthians 13. This vision is given for the good of all. And the rare person who uses that gift to benefit others is an inspiration to many. That is what I have seen in Scott. He inspires me! He makes me want to do better and share more. I am blessed to know him. I want to be more like him.

A disappointment to me is that many parents take the easy way out and rather do things themselves instead of teaching the next generation how to accomplish things. Jean and I are teaching Clayton to solve problems. We have told him we want him to be able to, not only take care of himself, but others as well. We want him to improve his corner of the world! Instead of giving him all the answers or doing it for him, we ask leading questions trying to get him to draw his own conclusions. We are trying to raise a productive member of society; a person of vision! Many have sight but no vision. Will you expand your vision today and look toward improving your corner of the world? For without vision, the people perish!

Father, we thank You that You give us vision. Teach us to use the gifts You have given. Encourage us to take the steps to improve every situation with which we come in contact. Revive us to once again become the great nation of vision you created us to be. Help us to return to You and receive Your Spirit. For Your Spirit will reveal all that we can become. In Your name we pray.

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