April 16 Attitude is Everything!

Proverbs 15:13 (NKJV)
13 A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, But by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.

Today, I went to lunch with my friend Steve and our discussion was about how many people will waste more effort telling you why they can’t honor your request than it would take them to just do it! We went to our favorite diner and I have been going there more than 40 years. There was a new waitress. I ordered my usual chicken soup with a matzoh ball. She told me a matzoh ball would not fit in the cup with the chicken soup. I told her to just try it and see. I am sure it will work. I didn’t tell her but I have ordered it that way for longer than she is old. And, as I suggested, it fit just fine.

There is an expression which says “people can brighten a room. Some by entering and some by leaving!” Which type of person are you? Are people happy to see you? When you call a business and they see the caller ID, do they draw straws to see who gets stuck taking the call? In our business, there are clients who are a real joy and others you wished were not your clients. Mike Micahlowicz wrote a book called the Pumpkin Plan in which he maintains that you should rid yourself of the bad clients because they ruin your whole demeanor and that ends up costing you money. They block the good clients from entering. I wear a hat that says Attitude is Everything! How you approach each situation really matters. Approach everything with joy, grace, peace and kindness and you will have a happy life. Speak with warmth and caring and others will want to help you. They will be happy when you arrive! There is evidence that suggests it takes more muscles to frown than smile. Let’s go with the smile!

How do you want to be seen or remembered? What will people say about you after you are gone? I want people to think of me kindly. I want them to remember me as encouraging. I want to be known as the guy with the smile. And I want to make you smile! Today, know you are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image and likeness of God. You are His Masterpiece. You are awesome. With all that going for you, how can you help but smile?

Lord, thank you that you have created us in Your image. Remind us today of all the blessing You have given us and help us to live as blessed people shining Your glory in the world around us. Let us show the cheerful countenance that comes from knowing we are Yours. Amen!

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