What did I just step in?

Romans 8:28 (NIV)
28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

I can’t believe I just did that. I took Milo, our dog, for a walk in the front yard and, you guessed it. I stepped in something I shouldn’t have. Uggggh! I should have been watching where I was going. This is my own fault. Too late now!

Bad things happen to good people. Jesus said that “in this world, you will have trouble. But fear not, for I have overcome the world.” I thought God was supposed to work all things for my good. I do love Him. Why would he let bad things happen to me? Why does He let bad things happen in the world? Isn’t He supposed to work everything for our good. Bad attitude, huh? Wait until you hear what happened next!

OK, so I stepped in it and now there is the matter of cleaning my shoe, right? So I take the shoe and head downstairs to the basement sink. I grab the brush and look for the spray cleaner. But now, the sprayer won’t work. I look around for some way to get the cleaner onto the bottom of my shoe. My day is not going well! I’ve got you know what on my shoe and things seem to be against me cleaning it off. What gives?

Now, I am getting annoyed. I have somewhere to go and stuff on my shoe. While I am looking around for a solution, I see something curious laying on the floor. I decide to take a closer look. I reach down to pick up this piece of paper. Guess what? It was a check for $350 that had fallen down the stairs! Can you believe it? A check laying on the basement floor. And the only reason I found it is because I got you know what on my shoe. I’m unhappy because of poop on my shoe. How is it possible that it helps me find a $350 check? Because God works all things for the good of those who love Him! Talk about stepping in you know what and coming up smelling like a rose. God loves me. He loves you too!

Father, thank You that You always work things for my good. It amazes me how You work these things out. Thank you for blessing us beyond all we can ask or imagine. You are an awesome and loving God.


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